feng shui

[ˌfeŋ ˈʃu:i]
  • 释义
  • 风水;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Customers are responding positively , whether or not they recognize the feng shui elements.


  • 2、

    The Healthy House Book : Using Feng Shui to Organize Your Home and Transfer Your Life.

    健康家子之书: 用堪舆来布置家居并改变你的生活.

  • 3、

    Our crystal product , dzi bead and even feng shui auspicious item are made of natural stone.


  • 4、

    Simplifying your life doesn't require kickboxing, feng shui , moving off the grid or quitting your job.

    使生活变简单并不要求你会跆拳道 、 懂风水或是辞职.

  • 5、

    Provide students with the proper theories and techniques of Feng Shui.


  • 6、

    In Hong Kong, seeking guidance from feng shui is widely accepted, even among the business elite.

    在香港, 向风水师寻求指导广为人们所接受, 甚至在企业精英中也是如此.

  • 7、

    Feng shui, mostly, and energy.

    应该是“风水”, 通常是活力.

  • 8、

    Your parents believe in feng shui.


  • 9、

    We offer a big selection of Feng Shui items. 1500 different products are in stock.

    我们提供一个大的选择风水物品. 1500人,不同的产品有库存.

  • 10、

    Feng shui, or geomancy in English, is becoming more and more popular in America.

    风水, 英文称作geomancy, 在美国越来越受到欢迎.

  • 11、

    Your sneer at organized religion but take the feng shui of your office seriously.


  • 12、

    The Feng Shui power is a bit weak here.


  • 13、

    His grandfather made a scanty living by practising feng shui for people.


  • 14、

    Feng Shui garden design and reasonable layout, can provide residents who live healthy and regional development.

    合理的园林风水设计与布局, 可以提供人区域居民生活健康和区域的发展.

  • 15、

    Who are these Americans and why do they take to feng shui like fish to water?

    为什么有些美国人会那么热衷于风水 呢 ?

  • 16、

    He has written a book about feng shui.


  • 17、

    Store and home owners are consulting feng shui masters for advice.


  • 18、

    Each year he publishes a Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui Guide.


  • 19、

    Here in Hong Kong a feng shui master talks, people listen.

    在香港, 人们都听风水大师的话.

  • 20、

    Feng Shui is starting to become more clear to me now and is quite fascinating.


  • 21、

    Ensure that students who are interested in teaching Feng Shui are properly trained.


  • 22、

    Offer students opportunities to become professional Feng Shui practitioners.


  • 23、

    The expression " feng shui " is often translated as " Chinese geomancy " in English.

    “ 风水 ” 这种说法在英文中通常被翻译成 “ 中式土占 ”.

  • 24、

    In 1994, Master Sang published his first book, The Principles of Feng Shui: Book One.

    1994, 曾大师出版了他的第一本书, 《风水的原理第一册》.

  • 25、

    The primary factor for any business feng shui is – Qi accumulation.


  • 26、

    Gorgeous pictures and detailed commentary on the Feng Shui of ancient Chinese sights and landscapes.


  • 27、

    Even the feng shui of the tombs of your head ancestors will influence your life.


  • 28、

    You get a feng shui expert to go apartment hunting with you.

